Today is an awesome day, as last night I had to clear the mind, watched a little of Dr. Wayne Dyer, and some Dalai Lama, as both said to the effect, "We are here on this earth to be the light, to instill goodness and peace." Also the mind is a source. As RM Publishing is about to go and sail around the planet, creating awesome stories to be published in books, comics, video, and features films, having a clear mind as I help create the flagship stories dealing with good and evil, with Hawaiian an Polynesian themes is a must. 

What makes a writer relax? For me, coffee as I sit here at Starbucks on Keawe St. Lahaina. Listening to Van Halen 2. Yeah hard rock relaxes me man! But as we go further, these blog posts are for possible investors to get to know RM and the people behind it. Right now, you've been seeing mostly me, however we'll get Wilmont Kahaialii on here soon. 

So good vs. evil? Hawaii? Polynesia? Good and evil will always be a constant in our lives, it is true. Our stories will be cutting edge, it will be ancient, present, futuristic. Our goal is to get this canoe sailing, and build a team of talented artists, writers, actors, and the people who can make the behind the scenes rock so we can rock!

If you think Hawaii hasn't had super heroes, think again. Look...

The comic book cover you see above, is Pineapple Man. Created by  Sam Campos from Hawaii. This was done in the early to mid-90's. Who knows, we may even link up with Mr. Campos. However, as my partner Wilmont Kahaialii says, "We can take our characters we create world wide, we live in a futuristic time. And people are now finding out about Hawaiian culture from food, music, and entertainment."

For those of you not in the know, Wilmont Kahaialii is the brother of world famous Uncle Will K, who's a fantastic guitarist, singer, actor. All around talent. I grew up with the Kahaialii's, and they were professional entertainers from a young age. If anyone knows something is gold, Wilmont knows, hence our team is being built on the 'we want gold' theme. Meaning we want to guide our canoe with the best people, so that we can create the best for the people to see and admire, and to ingest, so that they will be touched and will open their minds.

"Bradda, too much pilikia in this world." Echoes Wilmont all the time. I agree. Respect seems to be something lacking in this world. Just watch the news. By the way, Bradda (Brother), Pilikia (trouble) in our local lingo.

So thanks for stopping by, as I begin a writing session that will last at least 3-4 hours. And yes, my L.A. Dodgers are opening the season against the Giants in Chavez Ravine. My favorite time of the year. Any investors want to talk? Email me ronald.sambrano1@gmail.com

Ron Sambrano, Creative Director, RM Publishing/Productions


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